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By 30/10/2023November 27th, 2023No Comments

Play and Culture Bring Mandarin to Life


In Mandarin class, students engage in hands-on activities such as building ancient Chinese architecture and incorporating play into cultural studies.

Students in Cycle 3 participate in charades to learn words related to Chinese culture, while other students play interactive games with flashcards to reinforce the Chinese vocabulary they’ve learned related to countries.

Additionally, some students enjoy a lively game of Chinese checkers, highlighting the class’s commitment to blending play and cultural exploration with their language learning experience.

Playing Pétanque


In French, to finish our topic about sport and physical activities, Cycles 3 and 4 learnt the history and rules of the traditional game of pétanque. We then played the game like real French people—arguing about which ball was closest to the jack! The students had a great time.

Visiting the NGV


The French IB students visited the NGV to see the exhibition from French artist, Pierre Bonnard. As part of this excursion, they learnt about the Post-Impressionist movement and Pierre Bonnard’s cultural and historical context from the late 19th to the start of 20th century. They discovered scenes from everyday life, interior spaces and beautiful, colourful landscapes from ‘le Midi’ – the south of France.

After the exhibition, the students and their teacher went to a traditional French creperie where they could order their crepe in French.

Back at school, students prepared a description of their favourite painting and presented it to the class in French.

This excursion enabled students to truly immerse themselves in French culture and practise their French speaking skills in an authentic environment.

‘Outside the classroom’ experiences are an important part of learning at Montessori and are key to building confidence and engagement.

Thank you, Dad


To mark Father’s Day, during their Mandarin class the Cycle 3 students made special cards to show their gratitude. The carefully-crafted cards were made by the students to share with their Dad, uncles, brothers and other significant male figures in their lives.

Vive La France


On Friday, 28  July the Cycle 3 and 4 students cooked and served savoury galettes and sweet crepes to the whole school as part of our Bastille Day celebrations.

They also decorated the Hub and put on some French music to add to the French ambience. It was a successful event and we all enjoyed the delicious crepes and galettes.

Making Multi-Lingual Mother’s Day Cards


This week, as our end-of-week activity, we made some Mother’s Day cards in French and Mandarin.

Inside, we included some words and little poems that were written in French and Mandarin.

We hope the mums were pleased with their cards!

Chinese brush painting


Our Cycle 5 Mandarin students have been learning Chinese brush painting. This ancient art form dates back thousands of years and uses Chinese calligraphy brushes on paper or silk.

These tools create beautiful images by blending ink and water together. This style of painting requires patience and skill and it can produce amazing results!

Our students have learned how to use these tools and techniques to create their own original panda paintings.

They have worked hard during class, practiced the brush strokes and learned how to mix ink with water to get a perfect consistency.

Everyone is very proud of their artwork and we are sure you will be, too! We hope you enjoy your children’s beautiful panda paintings.

Celebrating Lunar New Year


During the first week of the school year, the students in Mandarin class have explored a variety of activities to celebrate the Lunar New Year. We have practiced calligraphy using Chinese traditional brushes and ink and we have made lanterns to decorate our learning spaces. Each student has received a 红包 red envelope for good luck. We wish everyone a happy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit! 新年快乐xīnnián kuàilè!