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Bulen BulenCommunity News

Bulen-Bulen Community News Updates

By 30/09/2023October 30th, 2023No Comments

Learning About Life


Montessori Practical Life skills are integrated into the classroom. In the picture, the clean and dry laundry is placed where the children can fold them. The children also fold the placemats, napkins and tea towels and place them in the cupboard for use the following week.

Book Week For Bulen-Bulen


Bulen-Bulen students were recently treated to a surprise visit from a guest reader as part of Book Week. None other than our very own Principal, Daniel Thomas, joined the students to read crowd favourite, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Enjoying Our Harvest


Nature is a vital component of our Montessori education.

Watching a seed gradually transform into a seedling is one of the many wonders of nature that students can easily experience. Similarly, nurturing a plant with the appropriate nutrients to grow a healthy, living creature can be exciting and satisfying.

During Term One at Bulen-Bulen school, we planted a garden together and the children were thrilled to then harvest the produce that they grew. Among the crops that we harvested were carrots and bok choy.

We then prepared tasty stir-fry dishes with the fresh vegetables from our garden.

Celebrating Life In Bulen-Bulen


Celebrating birthdays at Montessori involves honouring each child’s life and the milestones they have achieved.

As part of the Celebration of Life ceremony, the birthday child walks around the sun once for every year they have been alive. During this time, their classmates sing the Montessori birthday song. This is followed by a show-and-tell presentation of photos that showcase significant events in the child’s life from their birth to today. This very special ceremony emphasises the progress and growth that the birthday child has made over the years.

Bulen-Bulen Gardening and Cooking Update


The children are planting vegetable seedlings in the garden as part of their learning in Montessori Botany. They are learning about the lifecycle of plants and how to take care of them.

Older children independently prepared a fruit platter. They organised the chopping board, knife and apple cutters, chopped and arranged the fruit and then invited their younger peers to enjoy morning fruit time.