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Community NewsCycle 4

Cycle 4 Update

By 16/10/2023No Comments

Maths is Making News at Our Brighton Campus


Term 3 was an exciting time for our Cycle 4 Maths students and they explored the worlds of 2D geometry and algebra while sharpening their problem-solving skills. At the beginning of term, students delved into 2D geometry, revising essential concepts related to 2D shapes and honing their skills in measuring and converting between units of measurement. They also learned how to understand time zones and currency conversions.

As students ventured deeper into this geometrical wonderland, they were fascinated at how angles play a crucial role in shaping our understanding of space and form. The final project of the unit saw students uncovering secrets of 2D geometry and drawing inspiration from the geometric art of Islamic culture. This fusion of mathematics and art resulted in stunning artworks that showcased creativity and mathematical precision.

The latter stage of Term 3 saw students immersing themselves in algebra and acquiring a solid foundation in algebraic language that included understanding coefficients, terms, variables, constants and expressions. Building on this knowledge, they ventured into the realm of linear and non-linear expressions, mastering the fundamental operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with algebraic terms. As they move forward, students are ready to use these mathematical skills to tackle more complex mathematical challenges. Stay tuned for further updates on their mathematical adventures as students continue their journey in Cycle 4 Maths!

Some Term 3 Maths jokes of the week!

Q. Why does the equilateral triangle always lose arguments?

A. Because they are never right (angled).

Q. Did you hear about the mathematician who is scared of negative numbers?

A. He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.

Q. What is a bird’s favourite type of math? 

A. Owl-gebra.

Q. Teacher: What is 2n plus 2n? 

A. Student: I’m not sure. That sounds 4n to me.


Cycle 4 Maths Update


This term, Cycle 4 Maths students have focused on all things integers such as the four operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, prime and composite numbers, prime factorisation, square and square rooting, cube and cube rooting and negative integers.

During each class, students have been choosing their own adventure to explore these concepts. In addition, students enjoyed working on their Maths history projects and exploring Montessori’s Fifth Great Lesson: The Story of Numbers.

Students chose to work individually or in pairs and explored a famous mathematician from history, completed an investigation, or explored the Timeline of Maths. Our next unit will continue our exploration of rational numbers as we discover fractions, decimals and percentages.

Cycle 4 Camp


Our Cycle 4 students recently camped at Neilson’s Farm and had a wonderful time experiencing life and exploring a real working farm.

They learned about sheep processing, egg cleaning, wood chopping, woodworking and more. They lived a real camp lifestyle too – sleeping in tents and cooking and eating camp food together.

What a fantastic way to work together and experience something very different from life at school.

Thank you to everybody who supported this camp. It was a valuable experience for everyone who attended.