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Brighton PE

Cycle 4 PE Updates

By 27/11/2023No Comments

High Tension at Hurlingham Park


On Thursday, 16 November, the highly anticipated Cycle 4 volleyball match unfolded at Hurlingham Park, between our school and Preshil School. The weather graced us with sunshine accompanied by some wind —an ideal setting for the spirited competition.

The teams engaged in an intense battle, each securing a set victory, showcasing remarkable skill and sportsmanship. Following the official match, both teams demonstrated the true spirit of camaraderie by engaging in a friendly game with mixed-school teams.

This post-game exchange fostered a sense of unity and friendship and transcended the competitive nature of the sport. The day showcased the joy and connection that sport can bring and left a positive and lasting impression on everyone who took part.

Volleyball vibes create some exciting competition


On Thursday, 26 October, Cycle 4 hosted a community sports event that saw 4A and 4B compete against each other in an energetic volleyball tournament. The weather was cold, windy, cloudy and dull, but that didn’t stop either team from trying their best.

The first set began at 1:45 pm and ended at 2:00 pm. Two minutes into the game, 4A had already scored five points and it was not looking good for their opponents. Although 4B ended up scoring, 4A won by eleven points with the game ending 21/10.

The second set began at 2:15 pm and, once again, 4A was already scoring four points within the first two minutes. The set ended with 4A scoring sixteen more points than the other team with the scores sitting at 21/05.

After set two, both teams had a break and it had begun to get sunnier. The third set began at 2:35 pm and it seemed that, after a rest, the 4B team had improved drastically and the whole game was almost a tie — both teams had scored three points by the two-minute mark. But four minutes before the set ended, 4A once again collected more points and won, winning the set at 21/18.

Even after 4B had lost, there was still positivity from their coaches. Lucy, one of the coaches said the effort on the day “was awesome and heroic! I think we all did really well.”

Nina and Maggie

What’s the sound? It’s Goal Ball!


On Thursday, 5 October, Cycle 4 students could participate in an illuminating educational Goal Ball incursion. Goal Ball, designed specifically for people with visual impairments, gave students valuable insights into empathy, inclusivity and the importance of teamwork.

During the incursion, students donned protective padding and blacked-out masks to try and gain some idea of the challenges faced by individuals with visual impairment. This immersive experience fostered a deep sense of empathy as students grappled with the difficulties of navigating the game solely through touch and sound. They developed heightened awareness of the daily obstacles some people in our community encounter.

The incursion underscored the fundamental principle of inclusivity within the sport, with Goal Ball encouraging participation, regardless of visual abilities. The lesson reinforced the significance of creating inclusive environments within our school and sporting communities, as well as promoting understanding and acceptance of diversity.

Skating on Thin Ice


On Thursday, 24 August the exhilarating world of ice skating came to life as Cycle 4 students embarked on an excursion to the Olympic Ice Skating rink. This adventure tied into their ongoing Athletics unit focused on Physical Expression. The icy arena provided a thrilling experience and established connections between the grace of ice skating and the agility fostered in athletics. Amidst the discotheque vibes resonating through the rink, the students showcased remarkable resilience and unwavering persistence in mastering a new and challenging sport. As they glided across the ice, students displayed determination in translating skills from their athletics training into this unfamiliar territory. This excursion didn’t only broaden their physical abilities but also instilled valuable life lessons about stepping out of comfort zones, adapting to new environments and persevering in the face of challenges.

Cycle 4 Ultimate Frisbee Team Shines


We are excited to share the remarkable journey of our Cycle 4 Ultimate Frisbee team at the Victorian School Championships on Tuesday, 5 September at Royal Park. The event displayed the power of unity, optimism and perseverance.

Throughout the tournament, our students demonstrated incredible team spirit. They worked together seamlessly, supporting each other on and off the field. Even against formidable opponents, our team maintained a positive outlook and persistence.

What truly stood out was the genuine joy that our students found in playing frisbee with their friends. Laughter, cheers and smiles were in abundance, reminding us that camaraderie and shared experiences lie at the heart of sport. While the trophy may have eluded us, the lessons learned are invaluable. Our students discovered the strength of unity, the rewards of persistence and the sheer delight of participating in sport with their friends.

Well done to the entire team from Cycle 4. Well done to our  players: Joycelyn, Lukah, Julian, Mia, Marlo, Andreas, Lochie and Marlo, and to our coaches, Jess and Lucy, and to our match officials, Audrey and Jasper, for making it such a fun day out of the classroom. A special thanks also to Rui for attending on the day to help the team prepare.