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Community NewsParents' Association

MMS Bush Walkers Spring Outing

By 16/10/2023No Comments

At the end of Term 3, MMS families followed the Ker-Bur-Rer Walk around the wetlands of The Briars in Mount Martha. A beautiful sunny day was made even better by exploring the bush with friends. We saw many birds, echidnas, kangaroos, emus and even a koala.

Our youngest participant even made it around the track in their buggy. Having said that, the parent who was pushing them was exhausted by the end of the walk, but they made it, too!

Everyone brought a picnic lunch which they enjoyed together in the spring sunshine and the visitor centre was then raided for ice cream!

I was very happy to see so many of us come out on a beautiful Sunday for a walk together. We had families from both campuses, and even teachers with their grandchildren.

Our next MMS Bush Walkers event will be on Sunday, 3 December. It will be the final one for this year.

Lisa, Vanessa and Sascha (Balam-Balam and Banksia organising committee)

Ps In case you would like to explore the wetlands yourself, here is a link to the walk details.