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Introducing Yenny: Caulfield Head of Campus

By 15/03/2023No Comments

Learn a little about our new Caulfield Head of Campus, Yenny Henson, who is a keen traveller and passionate about her work as a Montessori educator.

Full Name: Yenny Henson

New Position: Head of Campus, Caulfield

Previous Position: Cycle 1 Teacher

How long have you been at MMS?

This is my sixth year.

Where were you beforehand?

I had various management and leadership roles and was an Early Childhood and Primary School teacher.

What do you love about working at MMS?

The vibrant, loving and supportive community of families and staff.

What inspires you as a Montessori educator?

It is inspiring to observe and provide a place where students can grow and extend their learning in our prepared Montessori learning environment. It provides an exciting opportunity to keep learning, either as a child or an adult, and is a wonderful continuous journey of reflection and growth – individually and as a group.

What is your most memorable teaching moment?

Seeing the development and maturity of students who have been given the opportunity to mature, grow and blossom in our Montessori learning environment and loving community.

What’s your most memorable moment as a school student?

My fondest memory was when I was in my new primary school – a couple of girls were so friendly and asked me to join in their play and made me feel welcome.

 What are five interesting things about you we may not know?

  1. I’ve lived in three continents and adapted to five different cultures across Asia, Oceania and North America.
  2. I hiked and camped at the bottom of the Grand Canyon in the USA.
  3. I hiked to the summit of one of the tallest mountains in the USA, which is Mount Hood in Oregon.
  4. I was grateful to be part of the NCAA Division 1 Women’s Tennis Team.
  5. Most days in my early childhood and primary school years, I took the rickshaw or motorbike to get to school.

What does your weekend look like?

I spend time with my family and friends.

What is your favourite Maria Montessori quote and why?

“Love, like that which we feel for the child, must exist potentially between man and man, because human unity does exist and there is no unity without love.”

I believe that love and kindness is so important in all relationships, growth and in all areas of our lives.