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Book Week 2023

By News

This year’s Book Week at MMS was a LOT of fun. Students and staff dressed up as an amazing array of characters — from Ruby Red Shoes and the Highway…

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Save the Animals!

By Marram

Dear Parents, A lot of our amazing friends are getting hunted for their fur and coats to make leather or to be sold for money or for some other unnecessary…

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Discovering Indigenous Culture

By Cycle 1

On Tuesday, 15 August our Cycle 1 students enjoyed an Indigenous incursion where they experienced Aboriginal culture. They learned about bush food, hunting tools, arts and crafts and musical instruments, such as…

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MMS Science Week

By Science

Science Week was a HUGE hit across our entire school.  Students in every single Cycle enjoyed immersing themselves in the fascinating world of Science! From creating homemade bath bombs and…

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Art Updates

By Art

The Between Waves Exhibition 14/08/2023 On Friday, 4 August, all Cycle 2 students had the opportunity to visit ACCA (Australian Centre for Contemporary Art) to view the Between Waves exhibition….

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LGBTIQA+ Dinner Success

By News

Last Monday our MMS LGBTIQA+ grown-ups community got together for a fun rainbow dinner. Nearly all letters of the acronym were represented including gay, lesbian and bi parents, parents of…

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The Djembe Club Makes Music

By News

The Djembe Club has been learning about the origins of this West African instrument and testing its ability to send messages outdoors. It was great fun performing and relaying rhythms…

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